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    Showing results for your search "sistema endocanabinoide".

    There are 54 results that match your search term.

    Endocannabinoid System in the climacteric: how cannabinoid derivatives can alleviate symptoms

      Migraine, mood swings, sleep issues, hot flashes, joint pain and decreased libido are typical symptoms of menopause. A period often troubled for women, especially because there are few therapeutic…

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    Medicinal cannabis for women: an alternative for gynecological disorders

      The analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of medicinal cannabis explain why cannabinoid derivatives have been established as an effective alternative to treat gynecological disorders, ranging from menstrual pain to…

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    Potential of medicinal Cannabis for the treatment of Alzheimer’s

      Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world and the main cause of functional dependence, institutionalization and death among the elderly population in Brazil.  With…

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    Cannabis and anorexia: what is the therapeutic potential of this treatment?

      According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 4.7% of the Brazilian population suffers from eating disorders.. The number is even more alarming when the sample is made up only…

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    Medical cannabis and chronic pain: the use of the plant to reduce symptoms

      It is estimated that at least 37% of the Brazilian population experience chronic painaccording to the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED). The classification takes into account…

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