Fabio Di Francesco



Fabio has a Pharmacy degree from Sapienza Università di Roma and a master in professional studies in Pharmacy Compounding by University of Camerino, Italy. He’s also achieved a master of professional studies in EU-GMP guidelines manufacturing at the University of Pavia, Italy.
Fabio has been a compounding lab pharmacy manager for customized medicines at Dr. Ennio Ponzi SAS Tor Vergata, in Rome, Italy. He worked closely with physicians, dentists and veterinarians for the compounding of customized Cannabis-based medicines with microdosages and specific dosages, and is proficient in Cannabis-based preparations, from the simplest ones, such as capsules, to the most advanced ones, such as oil, resin and eye drops.

Passionate about medical Cannabis, he used all the skills achieved to prepare every day, all types of Cannabis-based medicines, using raw materials of Italian origin (FM1-FM2), Dutch (Bedrocan, Bedrobinol, Bediol, Bedica, Bedrolite) and Canadian (Aurora Pedanios) origin.
He provided consultancy for pharmaceutical companies involved in manufacturing of medicinal cannabis products in the UK, Greece and Canada.

He has recently achieved a new role as pharmaceutical consultant in Farmalabor SRL, an Italian EU-GMP pharmaceutical company involved in importation and distribution of cannabis medicines, including Bedrocan varieties and Curaleaf extracts. He’s currently daily working with doctors and pharmacists, providing information for customisation and regulations of cannabis based medicines.