A medical doctor with a degree from the University of Toronto and a master’s degree from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Maida serves as a consultant in Palliative Medicine and Wound Care at William Osler Health System in Toronto and is also the inaugural medical director of Hospice Vaughan.
One of Canada’s most qualified endocannabinoid medicine specialists, with over 2 decades of cannabinoid advocacy, clinical experience, education, research and publication experience, he was the original discoverer of the potential of cannabinoids to treat integumentary and wound diseases in humans. His first data was presented at the World Union of Wound Healing Societies in Florence, Italy in 2016. He also published the first two human studies using topical cannabis-based medicines (TCBM) in the peer-reviewed literature in 2017.
CNPJ: 39.405.784/0001-73
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