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    Existem 74 resultados que correspondem a sua pesquisa.

    shutterstock 1574381395

    Cannabis and psychotic disorders: clarifying data and facts

      The relationship between Cannabis and psychotic disorders or psychosis is contentious and controversial. Researches analyzing the recreational use of the plant suggests a more frequent occurrence of psychotic disorders…

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    Medical Cannabis and cardiovascular diseases: what evidence is there?

      Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common causes of death around the world. In Brazil, these diseases lead as the main cause of death, corresponding to about 400 thousand…

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    Understanding the potential of cannabinoid derivatives in the treatment of skin cancer

      Melanomas are responsible for 75% of deaths from skin cancer, in view of the metastatic capacity of melanoma to reach lymphatic tissue and blood vessels. These data from Instituto…

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    Medicinal cannabis for women: an alternative for gynecological disorders

      The analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of medicinal cannabis explain why cannabinoid derivatives have been established as an effective alternative to treat gynecological disorders, ranging from menstrual pain to…

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    sistema endocanabinoide

    Endocannabinoid system: what is it, and why you need to know it

      The use of cannabis for medical purposes has a millennial origin. However, until the last century, little was scientifically known about it. Researchers began to unravel the broad therapeutic…

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